Are you ready to change what YOU can in relationships?

Relationships can stretch you to the limit. Whether you find yourself reacting defensively or you're always the one giving, something needs to change.

Relationships can work with the right support.

You might find that…

You burn yourself out by saying yes when you really mean no. You may even think that you're right - but that isn't the solution either.

You're starting to see a side of yourself that's hard to admit. Your reactions are getting the best of you - and not in a good way.

You've tried to push past the pain, but nothing changes. You find yourself yelling at the kids and snapping at your husband for the littlest things.

Boundaries are super challenging because you feel guilty. Putting yourself first doesn’t come naturally, in fact it feels selfish.

Communicating what you need and want makes you uncomfortable. You end up getting defensive or find that you’d rather just give up.

Giving up what's important to you doesn't work. Now you feel more resentful than ever. There is nothing lonelier than feeling invisible or unappreciated in a relationship. 

Having a good relationship doesn't have to be hard, but without the right tools, it can be easy to get lost in the pain. Taking care of yourself has to become a priority, or you'll keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Here is the hard truth. A healthy relationship starts with you. This means that the connection (or lack of) with yourself has a major impact on everything else. If you have trouble trusting and honoring your own needs, connecting with others becomes more difficult.

You don’t know where to start and it’s time to get help.

If you're here, you may be questioning whether or not your relationship is healthy. Click here to read Traits of a Healthy Relationship.

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Counseling for relationships, anger and codependency

Counseling for relationships, anger and codependency

It only takes one person to change a relationship

When you change, your relationships changes. With support you can learn to take better care of yourself so that you don't rely too much on your relationship. 

In counseling, you'll learn what's not working on your end. Being willing to look at yourself is the start of real change. The other person doesn't have to come with you even if you think they are the problem.

If addiction is a problem, you might need help with setting boundaries and taking better care of yourself.

We'll work together to make small but important changes

Issues like people pleasing, poor boundaries, family disputes and addictions cause tension and hurt. Expressing yourself honestly without blame leads to increased intimacy. Plus, you feel better about yourself because you can say what you mean without saying it mean.

Counseling can help you do that. When you get the support you need, you'll make positive changes when you're ready.

In counseling you'll learn:

  • When and how to talk things out.

  • How to take better care of yourself in relationships.

  • Know what your needs are and how to get them met.

  • What healthy boundaries are and how to practice them.

  • What you can control and what you can't.

  • How to communicate without being mean or feeling guilty.

Most clients call me because they don’t know how to take care of themselves or manage their emotions in relationships. We don’t get these skills growing up but it’s not too late to learn them now.

Get Started Today

Whether you need to learn about boundaries, healthy communication or resolving conflict, there are valuable tools you can learn to create the life you want.

Click here to contact me for your free 15 minute phone consultation.