Are you tired of controlling your food or weight? Do you need a healthier way to cope?

Realizing food is a problem signals an important step towards recovery. You may be feeling defeated after trying to diet, years of binge-eating, attending weight loss groups and taking pills to control it.

Being sick and tired of doing the same thing expecting different results is the definition of insanity. If you're tired of being sick and tired, it's time to get help. Whether you've had an eating problem your whole life or your eating is stress-related, there are solutions to help you regain sanity around food. 

How food becomes a problem:

Growing up with an alcoholic parent, suffering verbal, physical or sexual abuse, stuffing feelings and using food are connected to compulsive eating. Food becomes a source of comfort that replaces love. You might think it's easier to control your own comfort by eating than risk rejection. 

Do certain things cause you to want excess food? Do you feel like you're tried everything but nothing works? The solution is found in admitting your powerlessness over food. You're not the only one who struggles with food addiction. It just feels like it.

Whether you're already in recovery or just beginning the process, I teach you how the principles of the 12 steps can change your life. 

Overeaters Anonymous is a 12 step program that works well with food addiction. We'll develop the tools to stop overeating and help you live without the obsession. Read more about tools to help with compulsive overeating.

How I can help:

  • Understand foods and situations that trigger overeating.

  • Build self esteem, supportive relationships, self care.

  • Work on underlying pains that surface when abstinent.

  • Develop a food plan that works for you.

  • Create a recovery program that works for you.

Get Started Today

Get the support you need to end the shame and fear of being out of control with the food. Email me at for your free 15 minute phone consultation so you can get the support you need.