Is anger ruining your relationships?

Most of us aren't taught how to manage anger effectively - especially if you grew up seeing rage or passive-aggressive behavior. As a result you can form unhealthy patterns that are hard to break. 

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As women, we are taught that anger isn't attractive, so we suppress it. We strive to be nice or helpful but stuffing how you feel causes stress and resentment. Over time that those feelings turn into anger and can leak out and hurt the ones you love. 

As a man, maybe anger was role-modeled as abuse. You didn't learn how to express it without being scary or controlling. Yelling at your partner, name-calling, throwing things happen when emotions get out of control. Then comes the feelings of regret and shame. Maybe you vowed never to be like your family but ended up doing the exact same behaviors - no because you’re bad but because that’s what you learned.

You are not alone!

Very few people learn how to manage intense feelings like anger growing up. The good news is that learning these relationship skills doesn’t have to take years. They are simple and easy to implement quickly!

Anger is Natural, But Can Be Destructive

Anger is a natural emotion indicating that something isn't working. You don't have to be embarrassed if you're having trouble managing anger. You’re in the right place. Be gentle on yourself. Believe me, if I heard your story, your anger would make more sense.

Although unhealthy anger is never justified, it’s important to understand where it came from so you can start unlearning those behaviors. Anger management skills don’t just include talking about your childhood. It means figuring out what isn’t working for you, right now.

If your reactions are getting worse and causing problems in your relationships, it's time to get help. For more on how I work with anger read Can We Talk Without Losing It?

Unfortunately, many of my clients have not found therapy to be helpful because most therapists don’t specialize in anger management therapy. Most of my clients have never been violent. They’re good, hard-woking people that can’t control their emotions.

Whether it’s me or another licensed professional, please find someone who understands anger in a non-judgmental way. You are not bad or wrong for needing skills to manage anger. Hoping your anger will go away on its own doesn't work either.

Don’t Wait Until Anger Destroys You or Your Relationships

If anger is hurting you or someone you love, don’t wait to get the help you need. The good news is that you can learn how to control your emotions today.

When left untreated, there is a host of abusive behaviors that destroy trust like:

Hidden resentments
Threatening gestures
Putting others down to feel better
Blocking your partner from leaving
Controlling others with intimidation

Throwing things
Blaming your partner
Giving the silent treatment 

Eventually, these behaviors cause so much pain that they threaten your relationship. Sadly, most people call me when their relationship is almost over. Their partner has already threatened to leave and I don’t want that to be you.

Anger also impacts how you feel about yourself. Many people who struggle with low self-esteem as a result. it doesn’t help that family and friends don’t understand.

If you're looking for a way to stop, I can help. You can change.

You can learn how to express yourself in a way that keeps others safe. I teach simple tools for how to stay calm and avoid abuse. You'll learn what your anger looks like and what's underneath it. There is always a valid reason why people get angry.

In my practice, anger therapy works pretty quickly because the skills are easy to learn.

Once you learn these anger management strategies, you will start to manage emotions with confidence. Relationships get easier because you will know what to do to prevent angry outbursts from ruining the day.

Getting support makes a difference. If your anger is hurting you or the ones you love, call me. Together, we will work on developing practical anger management strategies to help you identify emotions before you lose control of them.

If you need help right now, go check out my Calming Your Anger Home Study Course. You don’t have to wait to get started.

In therapy you will learn:

  • What triggers your anger.

  • How to take care better of yourself.

  • How your childhood has influenced your anger.

  • The cycle of violence and how to stop it.

  • Relaxation techniques to calm down.

  • How to communicate effectively and become a better listener.

Want to see how I can help?

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Supporting you in learning the tools to feel good about yourself again is what I love to do. Click the button below to contact Michelle directly.