12 Lessons in Recovery (and in Life)
When you're in pain, you have a choice to make. Learn from your challenges to become better, or repeat the lesson again. It’s the same for everyone, these lessons will repeat themselves until you get the lesson.
No judgment!
It's the same for all of us. But in order to do that, you need to have the right support.
12 step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Overeaters Anonymous (and many more) are a lifesaver for millions of people worldwide.
What are 12 Step Programs?
12 step programs offer free support groups that teach people how to live without substances or destructive behavior. The "mother" program, Alcoholics Anonymous, is by far the most recognized group, but there are thirty four other groups for food addiction, gambling, debt problems, sexual addiction, relationship problems, workaholism and much more.
Lessons learned in 12 step recovery
The most common program I recommend to my clients is Al-Anon. It's a group for family and friends of alcoholics but anyone from a dysfunctional home is welcome. Most people have some addiction in their family history which qualifies you as a member.
How Recovery Works
When you begin 12 step recovery, you're no linger alone. You have a wealth of new people you can literally call on at any time.
As you begin to realize the programs’ unique benefits, you begin to trust that even the tough stuff happens for a reason. Pain pushes people to let go of old behaviors that no longer serve them.
The program is based on working the 12 steps and 12 traditions with a sponsor. It provides a concrete tool for healing hurt and resentment. For more information about 12 step programs read 12 Step Programs and Why You Should Consider Them.
Here are some lessons in 12 step recovery (and in life) that help you learn how to live with more serenity.
12 Lessons Learned In Recovery
You have two options, go to any lengths to recover or do it alone and struggle.
If you keep coming back no matter what - you can get through anything sober.
Doing service helps you work with others, and become a part of the group.
Admitting powerlessness is the hardest part - and you will revisit that powerlessness with each new dilemma.
When things are going well, sabotaging your progress is common.
Surrendering happens only after you've exhausted everything else.
Working with a sponsor teaches you how to trust others and practice acceptance.
Meetings are a safe place to go when feeling overwhelmed and alone.
The traditions won't matter until you see the unity and safety that they provide.
A spiritual awakening is an "ah-ha" moment of clarity that creates transformation.
Relapse is not your fault. It just means there's more work to do.
Being willing to let go of the drama is the beginning of lasting serenity.
There are lots of misconceptions that prevent people from checking out these programs but they will work if you work it!
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